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How to Turn a Repeating Decimal Into a Percent

Decimal to percent conversion is important to learn and is helpful in calculations of commercial math and banking calculations. A decimal value can be converted into a percentage value by multiplying it with 100 and placing a percentage (%) symbol after it. Multiplying a decimal shifts the decimal point by two places towards the right. For example, 0.01 is 1%. Let us know more about decimal to percent in this article.

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1. What is Decimal to Percent?
2. How to Convert Decimal to Percent?
3. Decimal to Percent Chart
4. FAQs on Decimal to Percent

What is Decimal to Percent?

Before learning about decimal to percent conversion, let us first understand the meaning of decimals and percentages. The word "Decimal" is derived from the Latin word Decimus which means one-tenth. The decimal system has a base of 10. The decimal numbers are usually recognized by the dot "." between the digits called "decimal point". Even an integer can be expressed as a decimal by putting a decimal point after the digit in one's place and writing 0 after that. Example: 45 = 45.0 = 45.00 = 45.000 as so on. They are all same, as 0 has no value after decimal here.

The term "percent" is made up of two words 'per and cent' which means "Out of 100". In other words, we can say that percent is the ratio calculated out of 100. So, decimal to percent conversion means to convert a decimal number to a form that is a part of 100. Let's proceed to learn how to convert a decimal to percent stepwise along with well-illustrated real-life examples.

How to Convert Decimal to Percent?

Decimals and percents are two ways to express any number but the percentage is used for comparison of different quantities because the base value is always a hundred. For example, decimal values of 0.2, 0.35, and 0.1234 if converted to percentages are 20%, 35%, and 12.34% respectively. Now we can easily evaluate the percent values. Let us look at the following two quick steps to convert decimals to percentages.

Step 1: Multiply the number by 100 by shifting the decimal point to the right by 2 places.Step 2: Add the percent symbol (%) to it. Example: 0.43 = 0.43 x 100% = 43%.


So, we have 0.43 = 0.43 x 100% = 43%. Thus we have seen the conversion of decimal to a percent. We can even convert percent to a decimal by converting it into a fraction form and then rewriting it into a decimal form. Example: 45% = 45/100 = 0.45.

You can also learn about decimal to fraction, fraction to percent, and percent to fraction to have a complete understanding of these 3 concepts.

Decimal to Percent Chart

Decimal to percent chart helps you to quickly get the percent values of some commonly used decimal numbers. You can use these values in calculations involving decimals and percents.


You can also use's online decimal to percent calculator given in the list below.

Decimal to Percent Related Articles

Check these interesting articles similar to the concept of decimal to percent.

Decimal to Percent Examples

Example 1: Mark and Henry bought a donut and shared it amongst themselves. Henry ate 0.4 part of it and the rest was eaten by Mark. Use the decimal to percent conversion to find what percent of the donut was eaten by each of them?


Part of donut that Henry ate = 0.4. To convert a decimal to percent form we multiply it by 100%. 0.4 = 0.4 x 100% = 40%. The decimal has shifted to the right by two places. Now, the part of the donut eaten by Mark is 100% - 40%=60%. Thus, Henry ate 40% of the donut and Mark ate 60% of the donut.

Example 2: Daniel is struggling to find the percentage equivalent of 4.09. How can we help him in understanding the concept of decimal to percent conversion?

Solution: The given decimal number is 4.09. To convert a decimal to a percent, we have to multiply it by 100 and attach the percentage sign (%).⇒(4.09 × 100)%⇒ 409%Multiplying by 100 shifts the decimal point two places towards the right. Therefore, 4.09 = 409%.

Example 3: Convert the given decimal numbers to percentages.a) 3.98b) 0.07625

Solution: To convert decimal to percent, we have to multiply it by 100 and attach the percentage sign (%).a) 3.98 = (3.98 × 100) %Multiplying by 100 shifts the decimal point two places towards the right. Therefore, 3.98 = 398%.b) 0.07625 = (0.07625 × 100) %By shifting the decimal point two places towards the right, we get 7.625%. Therefore, 0.07625 = 7.625%.

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FAQs on Decimal to Percent

What is Decimal to Percent?

Decimal to percentage conversion is very important to learn, as, many times numbers are given in both decimal and percent form in a single expression. So, in order to compare them or to perform any operation on them, it is necessary to convert decimals to percentages or vice-versa. Decimal to percent conversion is done by multiplying the decimal number by 100 and attaching the percentage sign with the answer.

How do you Convert Decimal to Percent?

The process to convert a decimal to a percentage value is very simple. The decimal number is to be multiplied by 100 and a % symbol has to be placed. Let's understand this with an example. Let us convert 4.837 into a percentage. For the calculation we have, 4.837 = 4.837 x 100%= 483.7%.

How to Convert Repeating Decimals to Percent?

A repeating decimal can be converted into a percentage by simply multiplying it with a 100 and applying a % symbol. The repeating decimal of 0.3333... can be converted into a decimal by multiplying by 100. Here we have 0.3333... = 0.3333... x 100% = 33.33....% or approximately 33.33%.

How to Convert Fraction to Decimal to Percent?

If a fraction is given and we have to convert it to decimal and then to percent, then we follow the given steps. Divide the numerator with the denominator to express that fraction to decimal form, and then multiply that decimal by 100 to convert it into a percentage. This is how we convert a fraction to decimal to a percent. For example, If 3/4 is given, then its decimal representation is 0.75 (3 ÷ 4). Now, in order to convert it to a percent, multiply it by 100 and attach a percent sign. So, (0.75 × 100) % = 75%.

What is 0.006 Decimal to Percent?

Why do we Need to Convert Decimal to Percent?

We need to convert the decimal to the percentage for the purpose of comparing quantities. For example, if we give the decimals of 0.06, 0.32, 0.893, we will not be able to make any meaning of the values. Further, if these decimals are converted into percentages as 6%, 32%, 89.3%, we will be able to easily understand the quantities. Also, the percentages provide the values on a simple linear scale of 100.

How to Turn a Repeating Decimal Into a Percent
